Under the Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order of September 2, 2019, individuals and businesses are eligible to import tax free goods under the following three conditions:

  1. Imported goods fall under the approved list of items
  2. The final destination of the imported goods is an approved island
  3. Imported goods will be used for charitable purposes to support restoration activities directly related to Hurricane Dorian or by individuals who have directly suffered hardship or loss as a result of Hurricane Dorian

The following items are listed in the Exigency Order and considered approved goods:

*Bottled water
Bedding materials
*Food for personal consumption
Mosquito nettings
*Personal hygiene products
Electrical and plumbing fixtures and materials
Medicine and medical supplies
Household furniture, furnishings and appliance
Building materials

*These items are only tax free for 30 days. All other items are covered under the 90-day order.

Please see the steps below on the import process:

Relevant forms and additional information can be found at the Department of Inland Revenue website.