Blue Marlin
The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is the majestic fish that is found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with reports of the largest sizes found in the latter. However, many persons first encounter the fish in Ernest Hemingway’s book “Old Man and the Sea.” Mr. Hemingway was a frequent visitor to The Bahamas, especially the island of Bimini, where the blue marlin is highly prized among the strong game-fishing community.

The Flamingo
The scarlet, long-legged flamingoes are found in three major nesting groups in the West Indian region, Great Inagua being one of them (the others are in Yucatan, Mexico, and Bonaire Island in the Netherlands Antilles.) The more than 50,000 birds inhabiting 287 square miles of Inagua wilderness are protected by wardens employed by the Society for the Protection of the Flamingo in The Bahamas through The Bahamas National Trust, a statutory body set up in 1959.

The Lignum Vitae
The Lignum vitae, meaning tree of life, is from the genus Guaicum (caltrop family or Zygophyllaceae) and is the National Tree of The Bahamas.

The Flag of The Bahamas
The symbolism of the flag is as follows: Black, a strong colour, represents the vigour and force of a united people, the triangle pointing towards the body of the flag represents the enterprise and determination of The Bahamian people to develop and possess the rich resources of sun and sea symbolized by gold and aquamarine respectively.
The Yellow Elder
The Yellow Elder was chosen as the national flower of The Bahamas because it is native to The Bahama Islands, and it blooms throughout the year.
March On Bahamaland
Bahamian National Anthem
Composed by the late, Timothy Gibson
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland;
March on to glory your bright banners waving high.
See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!
Pledge to excel through love and unity.
Pressing onward, march together to a common loftier goal;
Steady sunward, tho’ the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
‘Til the road you’ve trod lead unto your God, March On, Bahamaland.
God Bless Our Sunny Clime
National Song
Music by Timothy Gibson and Clement Bethel
Words by Rev. Philip Rahming
God Bless our sunny clime, spur us to height sublime.
To keep men free, let brothers, sisters stand
Firm, trusting hand in hand, throughout Bahamaland
One brotherhood, one brotherhood.
Let gratefulness ascend, courageous deeds extend
From isle to isle. Long let us treasure peace,
So may our lives increase, our prayers never cease.
Let freedom ring! Let freedom ring!
The long, long night has passed, the morning breaks at last,
From shore to shore, sunrise with golden gleam
Sons n’ daughters, share the dream, for one working team
One brotherhood, one brotherhood.
Not for this time nor for this chosen few alone
We pledge ourselves. Live loyal to our God.
Love country, friend and foe, oh help us by thy might!
Great God our King! Great God our King!